With the arrival of hot days, it's crucial that D88 students and staff stay well hydrated throughout the day. We therefore strongly recommend that everyone bring their own water bottle to school. Students and staff can then refill their water bottle all day in order to stay hydrated. Students will also be provided with time to fill their water bottles before they board the bus in the afternoon. To avoid any confusion or loss of bottles, we advise everyone to clearly mark them with their name. We would also like to stress the importance of bottle hygiene. To ensure the health and safety of all children and staff members, it is essential to clean the bottles daily.
Elementary schools will continue to monitor temperatures for outdoor recess in order to determine a unified plan that is in the best interest of student’s safety. Please check middle and high school announcements for important info about sports practices and games.
We thank you for your cooperation and your attention to these recommendations during this period of extreme heat.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any further questions.