Good morning Plano families! We are currently experiencing some intermittent issues with Schoology this morning. Schoology is aware of the issue and it currently working to resolve it. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Oh no! Did you forget to pick up your FREE meals for ALL children in your household this morning? Never fear, you have 2 more chances today, Thursday, from 11:30-12:30 & 5-6 PM at ALL school buildings. 8 FREE meals at NO CHARGE to anyone! Don't miss this!

Just a reminder that the district is distributing FREE meals for ALL kids 18 and under between the hours of 11:30-12:30 and 5-6 PM today, Tuesday 9/8, at ALL school buildings. No eligibility requirements and you can walk or drive-thru our safe, curbside meal pick-up service.

D88 Parents: Just a reminder that Monday, September 7th is Labor Day and there is no school or remote learning. Also, remember to pick up FREE meals for ALL children on Tuesday this week, because of the Monday holiday. New evening hours added! Check your Email or click here: https://5il.co/knq8 for times and more details.
Padres de D88: Solo un recordatorio de que el lunes 7 de septiembre es el Día del Trabajo y no hay clases ni aprendizaje remoto. Además, recuerde recoger comidas GRATIS para TODOS los niños el martes de esta semana, debido al feriado del lunes. ¡Se agregaron nuevas horas por la tarde! Revise su correo electrónico o haga clic aquí: https://5il.co/knq8 para conocer los horarios y más detalles.

P.H. Miller Families! Join us for our Virtual Open House on Thursday, September 10. Live Zoom Sessions with your child's teacher at 6:00, 6:30 or 7:00. See the flyer on our website for more information and to sign up for a time to meet teacher.

P.H. Miller Elementary School is one of only 5 schools in Illinois to receive recognition from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation! Nationwide, only 517 schools were recognized for promoting quality nutrition, regular physical activity, and strong wellness policies. Congratulations to the team at P.H. Miller for supporting student health & wellness!

P.H. Miller Preschool Parents/Guardians: Please check our website and your email for important information about picking up back pack tags, car rider signs, and wristband. The first day of in person learning for preschool is Tuesday 9/1 for Group A and Wednesday 9/2 for Group B.

PH Miller Parents/Guardians! Mrs. Mateyka will answer your questions, listen to your concerns, and provide information on topics that you bring up Friday mornings at 10:00 a.m. starting 8/28! Bring your own coffee and keep your camera on. Check our website news for more info.

P.H. Miller Preschool Families! Please check our website for the parent orientation video. Preschool begins on Monday 8/31 (virtually for all students) and then in-person on Tuesday 9/1 for A group and Wednesday 9/2 for B group. We are excited to meet your child!

D88 Water Bottle Guidelines
All schools in the Plano School District have bottle fillers, because water fountains had to be shut down due to COVID-19. Plano Schools will allow students to have water bottles in the classrooms with the following considerations:
• The container must be clear and contain water only. No juice, soda, addables, or energy drinks. If there is a question regarding the type of liquid in the bottles, staff may ask students to dump out the contents and refill with water from the filler.
• The container must have a closeable lid of some sort; this will be a screw-on lid or a push top.
• Students must wear a mask while in the classroom, but may remove it briefly to drink water from their bottle and then replace the mask.
• Bottles are not to be in close proximity to any technology (computers, document cameras, or projectors).
• Water bottles are not to be played with on school grounds. This includes throwing the bottle, flipping the bottle, or pouring the contents of the bottle onto another student, teacher or the floor.
Any failure to follow this policy may result in the student losing the privilege of having water in the classrooms.
Directrices de la botella de agua D88
Todas las escuelas del Distrito Escolar de Plano tienen llenadoras de botellas, porque las fuentes de agua tuvieron que cerrarse debido al COVID-19. Las escuelas de Plano permitirán que los estudiantes tengan botellas de agua en las aulas con las siguientes consideraciones:
• El recipiente debe ser transparente y contener solo agua. Sin jugos, refrescos, añadidos ni bebidas energéticas. Si hay una pregunta sobre el tipo de líquido en las botellas, el personal puede pedir a los estudiantes que tiren el contenido y vuelvan a llenar con agua del llenador.
• El recipiente debe tener una tapa que se pueda cerrar de algún tipo; será una tapa de rosca o una tapa de empuje.
• Los estudiantes deben usar una máscara mientras estén en el salón de clases, pero pueden quitársela brevemente para beber agua de su botella y luego reemplazar la máscara.
• Las botellas no deben estar cerca de ninguna tecnología (computadoras, cámaras de documentos o proyectores).
• No se permite jugar con botellas de agua en los terrenos de la escuela. Esto incluye arrojar la botella, voltear la botella o verter el contenido de la botella sobre otro estudiante, maestro o el piso.
Cualquier incumplimiento de esta política puede resultar en que el estudiante pierda el privilegio de tener agua en las aulas.

PH Miller Parents of Virtual Academy Students: Please check your email for a very important message about MANDATORY resource packet pickup.

Parents of hybrid/in-person students: please check your email for an important message.

District 88 Parents, please click on this link: https://www.smore.com/naqt8 to access some very important information. You will want to read it closely, because some steps need to be taken by Friday or before so your student is ready to learn! We hope this will answer all of your questions as we virtually begin school for all students on Monday. Please call your school with any questions. Padres del Distrito 88, hagan clic en este enlace https://www.smore.com/naqt8 para acceder a información muy importante. Querrá prepararlo de cerca, porque algunos pasos deben tomarse antes del viernes o antes para que su estudiante esté listo para aprender. Esperamos que esto responda a todas sus preguntas ya que virtualmente comenzamos la escuela para todos los estudiantes el lunes. Por favor llame a su escuela si tiene alguna pregunta.

Dear D88 Parents and Guardians,
Please click on this link: https://www.smore.com/dzxbs to access Health Services FAQ. This is the second update from the Health Service Department and includes new, important information. This message is the seventh in a series of messages that have been sent to keep you updated about the 2020-21 return to school plans for the Plano School District. Thank you.
Estimados padres y tutores del D88:
Haga clic en este enlace: https://www.smore.com/dzxbs para acceder a las preguntas frecuentes sobre servicios de salud. Esta es la segunda actualización del Departamento de Servicios de Salud e incluye información nueva e importante. Este mensaje es el séptimo de una serie de mensajes que se han enviado para mantenerlo actualizado sobre los planes de regreso a la escuela 2020-21 para el Distrito Escolar de Plano. Gracias.

PH Miller shows the 'Power of Play' in a video made in collaboration with ISBE, McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership, and Erikson Institute. https://vimeo.com/395478647

PH Miller supply lists for K-1 are available on the PH Miller website. Preschool supply lists are available on the preschool website.

Please check your email or district website for information regarding the COVID health self-certification and learning group assignments for the first semester of the 2020-21 school year.

Please check your email or click the link below for information regarding the COVID health self-certification and learning group assignments for the first semester of the 2020-21 school year. https://www.plano88.org/o/plano-cusd-88/page/august-10th-announcement

Reminder: School physicals available at Emily Johns on Wed, Aug 5th from 9-12pm and Fri, Aug 7th from 1-5pm. Check plano88.org for more details.

2020-21 Application for Return to Learn Return form is now closed. Please check your email with further details / - El formulario de solicitud de Regreso al Aprendizaje del 2020-21 ya está cerrado. Favor de revisar su correo electrónico para mas detalles