The Plano High School music and theatre departments proudly present a virtual production of Disney's Little Mermaid! We have 60 students in grades 4-12 who are participating in our show. We are so incredibly proud of our students and what they have accomplished this year! Tickets are $5 per streaming device. Dates for the virtual production are Saturday, April 17th at 7pm and Sunday, April 18th at 7pm. Please visit and search Plano to purchase your tickets today!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
The Little Mermaid Jr Logo
Middle & High School Parents, Please check your Email and the district website for important information about Plano Middle & High School students moving to 4-day per week in-person learning starting after Spring Break. There is some great information and important deadlines mentioned in the Email, especially for students who are fully remote at this time. Contact your child's school with any questions.
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Students in mask at desks
We miss you! Help support the FREE meals program today, Thursday. Drive-thru meals from 8:30-9:30, 11:30-12:30 or 5-6 PM (no evening meals at Cent). All kids 18 & under eat for free! Whee!!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Mom & Child Sliding Down Slide
Is your child turning 5 before September 1st, 2021? If so, it's time to register for kindergarten. Check out the P.H. Miller Website for more information. Begin the pre-registration process here:
almost 4 years ago, Laurel Mateyka
registration flyer
registration flyer-spanish
Don't forget to pick up FREE meals at all Plano schools today from 11:30-12:30 & 5-6 PM today, Monday (no evening meals at Centennial.) Everyone is invited. All kids 18 & under can get free meals. It's like money in the bank!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
$1 bills
What is the Summer Extension Program? Plano School District #88 has developed a Summer Extension Program (SEP) to leverage the month of June to assist our teachers in solidifying identified essential skills at grades 1st through 8th and in ensuring attainment of credit grades 9-12. Please note this program is not offered for current preschool or kindergarten students. ELIGIBLE & INVITED STUDENTS On March 2nd, our first round of invitations for participation were sent to students meeting eligibility criteria. Students invited within the first round of invitations are required to register as directed within their invitation letter no later than March 10th. Multiple students in your Household? All invited, eligible students will have a form in their Powerschool Parent account called “Summer Extension Program 2021”. ONLY students who have been invited based on the eligibility criteria will have access to this form. In Powerschool, locate “Forms” in the left navigation. For students in your household that are invited to participate, the “Summer Extension Program 2021” form will be available and must be recorded for your student in Powerschool no later than March 10th. ALL OTHER STUDENTS As seats become available additional students will be invited to fill vacant seats based on our eligibility criteria. If your student is a 1st through 6th grader and has not received an invitation to participate, you may request to be added to our wait list by contacting Faith Skinner at If your student is a 7th through 12th grader and has not received an invitation to participate, you may request to be added to our wait list by contacting Brett Spratley at -------------------------------------- ¿Qué es el Programa de Extensión de Verano? El CUSD #88 de Plano ha desarrollado un Programa de Extensión de Verano (SEP) para aprovechar el mes de junio para ayudar a nuestros maestros a solidificar las habilidades esenciales identificadas en los grados 1 a 8 y para asegurar la obtención de créditos en los grados 9 a 12. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que este programa no se ofrece a los estudiantes actuales de preescolar o kinder. ESTUDIANTES ELEGIBLES E INVITADOS El 2 de marzo se envió la primera ronda de invitaciones para participar a los estudiantes que cumplían los criterios de elegibilidad. Los estudiantes invitados en la primera ronda de invitaciones deben inscribirse como se indica en su carta de invitación a más tardar el 10 de marzo. ¿Hay varios estudiantes en su casa? Todos los estudiantes invitados que reúnan los requisitos tendrán un formulario en su cuenta de Powerschool Parent llamado "Summer Extension Program 2021". SÓLO los estudiantes que han sido invitados en base a los criterios de elegibilidad tendrán acceso a este formulario. En Powerschool, localice "Formularios" en la navegación de la izquierda. Para los estudiantes en su hogar que son invitados a participar, el formulario "Summer Extension Program 2021" estará disponible y debe ser registrado para su estudiante en Powerschool a más tardar el 10 de marzo. TODOS LOS DEMÁS ESTUDIANTES A medida que haya plazas disponibles, se invitará a otros estudiantes a ocupar las plazas vacantes en función de nuestros criterios de elegibilidad. Si su estudiante es un estudiante de 1er a 6to grado y no ha recibido una invitación para participar, usted puede solicitar ser agregado a nuestra lista de espera contactando a Faith Skinner en Por favor, tenga en cuenta que este programa no se ofrece a los estudiantes actuales de preescolar o kinder. Si su estudiante está entre el 7º y el 12º grado y no ha recibido una invitación para participar, puede solicitar que se le añada a nuestra lista de espera poniéndose en contacto con Brett Spratley en
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Students at desks in masks
The sun is want to be dining! Pick up FREE meals at all Plano schools today, Monday. 11:30-12:30 & 5-6 PM (no evening meals at Centennial). All are welcome and encouraged to attend this FREE meal service offered by D88.
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Shining sun with smiling face
As we look forward to sunnier days ahead, click here: to read an update from Plano School District Superintendent Tony Baker. Enjoy the weekend and we look forward to seeing all students online Monday to start another great week of learning!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Child wearing St Patricks Day hat
It's a remote day and the kids want snacks! Pick up 6 FREE meals at all Plano schools today, Monday, from 8:30-9:30 AM, 11:30-12:30 PM & 5-6 PM (no evening meals at Centennial). Fill them up and stay warm!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Kids making snow angels
It looks like another cold weekend ahead, so stock up on FREE meals for all children in your household 18 & under. Stop by any Plano school on Thursday, Feb 18th and pick up FREE bags of food with 4 breakfasts and 4 lunches per child! There are 3 choices of times: 8:30-9:30 AM, 11:30-12:30 PM and 5-6 PM (no evening meals at Centennial). Fill up and warm up!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Kids Drinking Hot Cocoa
The sidewalks & parking lots are clear and we look forward to seeing you back in D88 buildings on Wednesday, Feb 17th. Be safe as you walk to bus stops or drive and walk to school. Thank you to staff and students for your great attendance today!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Student getting on bus on snowy day
This is an important message to let you know that all students will have a remote learning day on Tuesday, February 16th, due to the bad weather and hazardous road conditions (see email for more details) Este es un mensaje importante para hacerle saber que todos los estudiantes tendrán un día de aprendizaje remoto el martes 16 de febrero debido al mal tiempo y las peligrosas condiciones de la carretera (consulte el correo electrónico para obtener más detalles).
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Remote Learning Day
FREE Meals Pick-Up on Thursday, February 11th Pick-up 10 FREE meals Thursday, February 11th from 8:30-9:30 AM, 11:30-12:30 PM & 5-6 PM at all Plano schools (no evening at Centennial). There will be no meal pick-up on Monday, February 15th, due to the President's Day holiday. The next FREE meal pick-up is Thursday, February 18th. Friday, February 12th is a Regular School Day Please remember that Friday, February 12th is a regular school day. On the original school calendar this was listed as an early dismissal. Parents should look for more information from their building principals on how they may schedule a spring parent-teacher conference, if desired. Have a great holiday weekend and stay cozy and warm!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Mother and child by fireplace
Did you run out of Super Bowl snacks already? Stop by any of the Plano schools from 11:30-12:30 PM or 5-6 PM for 10 FREE meals today, Monday, for all children in your household 18 and under. Talk about a winner...10 FREE meals!! (No evening meals at Centennial)
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Football snacks
Hello D88 Parents & Guardians, Please click on this link: to read the February 5th D88 Update with important information about the school calendar; free meals and a drive-thru food truck at St Mary's tonight, Friday (from 4:30-6 PM at 901 N. Center Street in Plano), and more info. There are no income requirements and everyone is welcome for free meals and at the food truck. Stay warm and enjoy the weekend!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
It looks like the weather may go downhill this afternoon, so pick up your 8 FREE meals per child between 8:30-9:30 AM or 11:30-12:30 PM today, Thursday, to avoid the ice and snow! No income requirements and FREE for all kids 18 and under. Load up on snacks and drinks for the chilly weekend!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Family drinking hot cocoa
Food Truck this Friday February 5, 2021 4:30 – 6:00PM ------ Camion de Comida este Viernes 5 de febrero de 2021 4:30 - 6:00PM ----- St. Mary Parish 901 North Center Ave., Plano, IL 60545
almost 4 years ago, Marisela Garcia
Food Truck
It's a remote learning day and the kids want snacks! Pick up 6 FREE meals at all Plano schools today, Monday, from 8:30-9:30 AM, 11:30-12:30 PM & 5-6 PM (no evening meals at Centennial). Fill them up before they go outside to play in the snow!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Parent and child sledding
There will be informational meetings next week for parents and students who are in grades 4-8 and are interested in participating in the cast of the Little Mermaid at Plano High School. Our info meetings will be held over Zoom and will be Monday, February 1 at 6:30 PM and Tuesday, February 2nd at 6:30 PM. The meeting ID is 5042367997 and the password is mermaid. Please email with any questions.!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Little Mermaid Informational Meeting for Parents
The sidewalks & parking lots are clear and we look forward to seeing you back in D88 buildings on Wednesday, Jan 27th. Be safe as you walk to bus stops or drive and walk to school. Thank you to staff and students for your great attendance today--our first fully-remote snow day was a huge success!
almost 4 years ago, Plano 88
Student stepping on school bus on snowy day