People with masks and gloves serving drive-thru food pantry

If you don’t have enough to eat, Kendall County Food Pantry can help. Food is FREE to low-income neighbors in need.  Bags or boxes will be provided to hold your food, and you are asked to please remain in your vehicle. We will load it for you.

Food is distributed on a first-come, first served basis, while supplies last, at the Plano Middle School located at 804 South Hale Street in Plano.  Serving hours are from 6-8 PM on Friday, June 19th.

Arrive early to ensure your spot in line!  If possible, please bring your FPKC card, it is not a requirement but it would be helpful.

Si necesitas comida, puedes venir, nosotros la pondremos en tu carro. Si te es posible, favor de traer tu tarjeta de FPKC. No es un requisito pero nos ayudarĂ­a a agilizar el proceso.