Summer Reading & Writing Skills

The Northern Illinois University K-12 Reading Program has opened early, reduced rates, and converted all classes to a live online format, to help parents and schools maintain student education during these unusual times.  

Their live, teacher-led online classes are available now and throughout the summer, for Pre-K through 12th grade students.   

The curriculum is high caliber and has been taught in a live, online format for 5 years already with over 50,000 school-age students.  The classes are led by highly-trained teachers with many years’ experience teaching effectively in online classrooms.  Skills taught include:  

  • Early Elementary: letter recognition, phonemic awareness, sight words, phonics
  • Mid-to-Late Elementary: fluency, phonics, long-word decoding, comprehension, textbook reading, writing
  • Middle and High School: doubling reading speed, comprehension, writing, notetaking, test preparation, textbook strategies 

We realize many parents are seeking solutions to keep their children productively engaged and ready to hit the ground running when in-person school resumes.  Please visit their website at

We appreciate your support as we all strive to keep students learning, reading, and connecting with other kids during this challenging time.