The Plano High School's National Honor Society is continuing to fight against childhood cancer in our annual St. Baldrick's Fundraiser. This charity is committed to supporting the most promising research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long and healthy lives. The main way St. Baldrick's raises money is by helping to organize head shaving events in communities such as ours. At these events, volunteers raise money to shave their heads and show solidarity with children battling cancer.
This year, we are hoping to make this a district wide event. NHS students will host a head shaving fundraising event on Friday, March 21st during our St. Baldrick's Assembly. Students (with their parent/guardian's permission) from any school in the district can sign up here to shave their heads and raise money (or scan the QR code on the poster). If the students raise at least $100, they will be invited to attend the assembly at the high school (arrival at 1:20pm) where they will get their heads shaved. Students participating would need their principal's permission to leave school for the assembly. Transportation will not be provided and students must be accompanied by an adult who is willing to have a background check through PHS.
Don't want to shave your head, but you still want to help? You can...
-click here to donate to one of the shavees or scan the QR codes on the attached poster
-click here to purchase a CustomInk t-shirt or hoodie or scan the QR code on the attached poster
-post the attached posters on your social media to help advertise
-reach out to a certified barber or stylist who would be willing to work the event or if you are one and would like to volunteer please email and (background check required at the high school office upon arrival)