Picture of EGJ 4th Grade Student Readers

At a recent Board of Education Meeting, Emily G Johns School Student Council members talked about recent "fun-raisers" they had sponsored at their building to support local causes.  A $600 check was presented to CASA of Kendall County and students collected over 400 items for Kendall County Animal Control.  Thank you to the EGJ staff, students and families for their support of these causes that were chosen by the Student Council members. 

Pictured are Student Council sponsors Kelly Snee-Brinegar and Greg Wedesky, with EGJ Principal Luke Baughman and Superintendent Tony Baker. 

Students from Emily G Johns and Plano Middle Schools were stars at the recent Board of Education meeting held at Emily Johns.  Fourth grade students privately read mystery stories they had written to each of the Board members.  They were presented with medallions for their accomplishments. 

Pictured are proud student readers, with 4th Grade Teacher Amy Martin, Superintendent Tony Baker and EGJ Principal Luke Baughman.

Board member Chad Martin

Board Member Kyle Klatt

Board Member Kim Velazquez

Board Vice President Jim Ward

Board Member Mike Jernigan

Board Member Tim Waldrop

Board President Tim Campbell