Dr. Tracy Thurwanger, Superintendent
Luke Baughman, Chief School Business Official
Mrs. Abby Alvarez, Executive Director
Mrs. Faith Skinner, Director of Academic Affairs-Preschool/Elementary Schools
Mrs. Meghan Kerr, Director of Academic Affairs-Middle/High Schools
800 S. Hale St.
Plano, IL 60545
Phone: 630/552-8978
Fax: 630/552-8548
(GRADES 9-12)
Mr. Mark Heller, Principal
Mr. Brennan Denny, Assistant Principal
Mr. Robert Gosch, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jessica Johnson, Dean of Students
Mr. Steve Lucas, Athletic Director
704 W. Abe Street
Plano, IL 60545
Phone: 630/552-3178
Fax: 630/552-8824
(GRADES 7-8)
Mrs. Elisa Maldonado, Principal
Mr. Ben Williams, Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director
804 S. Hale St.
Plano, IL 60545
Phone: 630/552-3608
Fax: 630/552-3802
(GRADES 4-6)
Mr. Nate Campbell, Principal
Mr. Dan Solecki, Assistant Principal
430 S. Mitchell Drive
Plano, IL 60545
Phone: 630/552-9182
Fax: 630/552-9208
(GRADES 2-3)
Dr. Leslie Kressin, Principal
800 S. West Street
Plano, IL 60545
Phone: 630/552-3234
Fax: 630/552-0324
Mrs. Laurel Mateyka, Principal
Mrs. Melissa Crisci, Assistant Principal
904 N. Lew Street
Plano, IL 60545
Phone: 630/552-8504
Fax: 630/552-3089
Mr. Rod Hill, Transportation Coordinator
810 S. Hale Street
Plano, IL 60545
Phone: 630/552-8980
Fax: 630/552-8320
Mr. Bryan Appel, Director of Operations
802 S. Hale Street
Plano, IL 60545
Citizens may request information and materials from public bodies, including Plano School District No. 88, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Requests for information or public records may be made in the following manner: mail, personal delivery, fax, E-mail, or other means available. FOIA requests must be submitted in writing; verbal FOIA requests will not be accepted.
Requests should be directed to Kim Velazquez, FOIA Officer:
Plano Community Unit School District No. 88
Administration Office
800 S. Hale Street
Plano, IL 60545-2000
Phone: 630/552-8978
Fax: 630/552-8548
A copying charge of $0.15 per page will be charged after the first fifty (50) black & white copied pages. This charge applies to copies on the following standard paper sizes: 8.5”x11”, 8.5”x14” & 11”x17”.
Charges for copying records maintained in an electronic format will be calculated by the material costs involved in generating the copies (including, but not limited to: microfilm, microfiche, magnetic tape, diskette, or compact disc costs).
The person making the FOIA request may include in their request a specific statement limiting the amount that they are willing to pay in fees. If they do not do so, the Plano School District will assume that they are willing to pay fees of up to a certain amount, currently $20. If the district estimates that the total fees for processing the request will exceed $20, it will notify the requestor in writing of the estimate and offer them an opportunity to narrow their request in order to reduce the fees.
The Plano School District, at its discretion, may arrange to have records copied by an outside contractor if the district does not have the resources or equipment to copy such records. In this instance, the requestor will be liable for payment of these costs. These copies may include, but not be limited to, color copies of all sizes, blueprints, engineering drawings and maps.
Payment for copies and/or administrative charges will be due at the time copies are released to the requestor. Plano School District reserves the right to refuse to make copies for requestors who have outstanding balances.